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Thirugnanasambandhar was born in Seerkali Chola Nadu. He belongs to Bhramin race. Name of his father is Sivapathaviruthayar and mother, Bhagavathiyar. When Gnanasambandhar was 3 years old, he went to Thoniyappar temple with his father, there, while he was bathing in the tank, he missed his father and shouted “Ammaayae Appa”, at that very moment, Lord Shiva appeared with Bhavathi Devy and stopped his crying, by Devy feeding him with milk. From that day he was known as Aaludaya Pillaiyar. and Gnanasambandhar’s father, was not aware of this and when he came back he saw the milk mark on his son’s lips and shouted at his son who gave this milk ets. Gnanasambadhar as a reply to his father, song the “Thevaram” “Thodudayaseviayan…” describing the appearance of Lord Shiva. This made the father to astonish first later he felt very happy and proud.
The next day the father took his son to the temple at Thirukkolakka where junior Ganasambandha sang the Thevaram “Madayilvaalai” Lord Shiva blessed him with “Pottalam”.
Time passed and one day Thiruneelakanda Perumpaanar visited Gnanasambandhar with his wife and got his permission to play his Thevarams on his fiddle and did so.
Gnanasambandhar visited many holy temples and reached Chithamparam, prayed to Lord Nadaraja Peruman and sang the two following Thevara Pathikams “Kattankariyoombi” and “Aadinai Naru Neiyodu Paal” all this days Gnanasambandhar was carried by his father on his shoulders as he was quite young but as he didn’t want to continue, one day he started walking to Thiruvaruthurai temple.
On the way he felt pain in his legs and took rest at the holy place named Maaranpadi. By the grace and blessings of Thiruvarathurai Peruman, the Bhramin devotees gave his Muththu Chivikai, Muththu Kudai and Muththu Chinnam Gnanasambandhar was as stonished at this, using these holy items, he continued his pilgrimage. At this occasion he praised God by singing Thevaram “Enthai Eesan Emperuman” Then he returned to Seerkali where he underwent Upanaya Chadanku on which occasion he gave a clear explanation of the specialty of Pancha Adchara Manthiram and sang the Thirupathykam “Thunchalum Thunchel Illatha Poothum”.
While Ganasambandhar was staying at Seerkali, Thirunavukkarasa Nayarar visited him and they become friends.
Again he started his pilgrimage and on the way he visited Thiruppachilachiramum where the cured Kollimalavan son’s disease named “Muyalagan” by singing the Thirupathikkam “Thunivalar Thingal”.
Following he went to Thirukunroor, where he observed the entire people there, suffering from the disease “Kulirjuram” which he cured by singing the Thirupathiam. “Avvinaikkivvinai”.
After he went to Thiruvaduthurai and worshipped Lord Shiva. It is occasion his father visited him and explained his situation that he is need of money to conduct Yagam. So Gnanasambandhar prayed to Lord Shiva, singing “Idarinum Thalarinum” to gold and helped this father.
From there, he went to Thiruththaruma Puram where he met Thiruneelakanda Yaalppanar, who requested Gnanasambandhar to sing such a Thiruppathikam which cannot be played in a yarl accordingly Gnanasambandhar started singing “Mathar Madappidiyum” and named as Yaarlmurippathikam following Gnanasambandhar went to a holy place named Thiruchchaththamangai, where he spent a day or two with Thiruneelanakkanayar and went to Thiruchenkkandakudi, where he was given a whole hearted welcome by Chiruththoldanayanar. Then he went to Thirumarukal, where he sang the Thiruppathika Sadaiyayenumal, gave life to dead Vanikan and arranged a married life to him.
Following, Gnanasambandhar went to worship Thiruppukaloor Temple and took rest at Maruga Nayanar’s place where Thirunavukkarasu Nayanar’s visited him. Then both of them joitly made a pilgrimage to certain temples and reched Thiruveelimilalai.
At this time, famine became a problem for the common people of that place called Thiruveelimilalai, and then went Gnanasambandhar worship, and observing the difficulty of the people he prayed to God singing “Vaasithravae Kassu Nalguveer” and got gold from his almighty with which he brought the famine to an end.
Then both Gnanasambandhar and Appar Swamigal went to the holy “Veethariniya Temple where the doors of the temple were kept locked by the Vethangal for a long time and the devotees couldn’t open the same for worship so, by Lord shivas grace, Gnanasambandhar made the doors open and close as used by sining the Theevaram “Sathuram Maraithan”. There he for a few days at this the Pandiyan Queen Mangayakkarashiyar, requested Gnanasambandhar to visit he place Mathurai, but Appar Swamigal adviced him not to go there felling that the Samanar’s activities at Mathurai, might hurt Gnanasambandhar but Gnanasambandhar replied that no one can hurt the true devotees of God Shiva and proceeded to Mathurai after singing the Pathika “Veeyuru thooulipakan”.
When he reached Mathurai, he was whole heartedly welcomed by the Queen Mangayatkarasiyar and Kulachchiraiyar the Minister from where he went to Thirukoil sang the Thirupathikam “Mangayarkkarsi and took rest at the Thirumadam. Samanar couldn’t tolerate this and sothey set fire to the place where Gnanasambandhar was staying.
On seeing the fire on the root rest Gnanasambandhar sang the Thirupathikam “Seiyane Thiruvalavai Meviya” as the result of this, heat of the same fire attacked King Pandian. He suffered from that heat known at Pandian “Veppu Noi. Queen udner stood the situation and requested Gnanasambandhar humbly to save the King from that heat on which, Gnanasambandhar consoled Mangayakarasiyar, and sang the Pathikam “Maaninaer Veli Matharai” Then he appled holy ash Pandiyans body singing “Manthiramvathu Neeru” as a result King Paandian recovered from the heat and fulfill very comfortable. Samanar continued degreading Saivaism, and so, Gnanasambandhar proved the specialty and reality of Saivaism, by making the miracles, named as Analvatham and Punalvatham by singing the Thirupathikam starting “Thalirila Valar Oil” and “Vaallka Anthanar” accordingly at this instant King Pandian too recovered from his ill health.
After worshipping some more temples at PaandiyanaaduGnanasambandhar went to Chola Nadu visited many temples there and decided to visit Thirukkollampothur. There he had to cross the river Kaaveri, but he found a boat without the boats men, but Gnanasambandhar got in to the boat and sang Koddame Kamalum at which the boat floated itself and took them to the other coast of Kaaveri.
Then they went to “Thiruppothi Mangai a holy place where they were opposed and given trouble by leader of the Buddhist devotees. To evade this the devotee who came with Gnanasambandhar sang Gnapandithar Thevaram “Buddha Samana Kalukkayar” at which the under the Buddhist leader.
Then Gnanasambandhar proceeded to Thirupoonththiruthi and their Appar Swamikal joined in carrying Gnanasambandhar’s Pallakku, when Gnanasambandhar came to know this, immediately got down from the Pallakku in other words Sivakai and embraced Appar Swamykal and both of them stayed there for some days and then again wet back to Seerkaali and then visited some of the Thondai Naddu temples. After proceeded toThiruvaothoor where at the request of the people there he sang the Thirupathikam “Poonththerthayana” and converted the male Palmyrah in to female Palmyrah trees.
Then he went to Thirumailappoor where he gave life to Sivanesachettiyar’s daughter Poompavai who was in the form bones and ashes, by singing “Maddidapunnal”.
As Gnanasambandhar reached 16 years of his age, his father arranged marriage to him, with Nambiyandar Namby’s daughter and the wedding took place in a holy and grand way. Then the couple and relatives went to Thirumana Nallur temple and there Gnanasambandhar prayed to his almighty the Thirupathigam, “Nallur Perumanar”, at which instance by God’s grace a Joothy light appeared and a heavenly voice requested him to enter the “Joothy” singinging the Thiruppathiak “Kaathalaki” he entered the Joothy with his wife and reached heaven. His Gurupooja day falls on the month of May at Moola Natchathram.
Thirunavukkarasar’s original name is Maruneekkiyar. He was born in Thirumunaippaadi Nadu at Thiruvaamoor. He belonged Vellala race. His parents were Pukalanar and Maathiniyar. His sister was Thilakavathyar. It was proposed, Thilakavathyar to many Kalippakayar, but unfortunately Kalippakayardied at a battle field, Maruneekiyar’s parents too soon passed away. Thilakavathyar stayed with his brother as a support and she became a devotee of Thiruvathikai Peruman.
Under the caretaking and protection of his sister Maruneekiyar got well versed in his education but decided to remain as a bachelor. So he joined a Samanar school and became a Samanasage from there he gained a wide knowledge about Samana religion.
The Buddhist devotees who were there argued with Maruneekiyar on the Samana religious polices, But he won them by his proper explanation and changing his name as Tharumasenar and became the Guru of Samanaism.
Thilagavathiyar couldn’t tolerate his brother becoming a Samanaguru and so she prayed to Thiruvathikai Peruman to bring him back to Saivasim. As a reply to this Lord Shiva made Tharumasaeenar to suffer from a disease named Soolai. The Samanar couldn’t cure him either by Manthiram or by their medicine. So, Tharumaseenar felt helpless and requested his sister Thilagawathyar to come and attend him.
Thilagawathyar refused and ask his brother to come to her place. He did so Thilagawathyar applied holy ash on his brother’s body and took him to Thiruvathikai Veeraddaneswarar temple and asked him to pray there, when Maruneekiar reached the temple he felt very fresh and healthy and sang “Koottayainavaru” Thirupathikam. Immediately he got cured from that particular diseasewhich which gave agony to him all this time. Lord Shiva blessed him whith a new name “Thirunavukkarasu” Navukkarasar, now felt over joy, at the blessings of the great God, and continued visiting the temples there singing many Thivarappathikams.
Samanar couldn’t tolerate, Navukkarasar converting himself as a Saivaist again. so they approached King Mahendra Pallavan, and requested him to punish Navukkarasar for his conversion. So the Pallavan King went to Navukkarasar to meet him, but he refused to visit Pandian and sang the Thiruthandagam “Naam Yarkkum, Kudiallom a second time to visit the King and so Navukkarasar decided get whatever happen. God is there. He went to the King. There with the permission of the King Samanar put Navukkarasar in a for 7 days, but Navukkarasar prayed singing the Thirupathikam to “Maasil Veenai” and nothing worse happened to him. But the Samanar again wated torture him and they forced him to take poisoned rice. This too didn’t do any harm to Navukkarasar. So they brought an elephant and forced it to attack him, at that instant, Navukkarasar sang the pathikam “Sunnaven Santhana Chaanthum” to which the elephant bowed to Navukkarasar and went aside. Samanar couldn’t tolerate this so they tied him to big stone and threw him into the sea at which he sang the Pathikam “Sottunai Vethiyan at which bit stone with which he was tied turned into a boat and took him to the nearest bank, where there was the famous Thiruppaathi Puliyoor temple. Then only the Kind understood the specialty of Saivaism and he too became a Saivaist again. Hearing these miracles one named Kadavan destroyed all the Samana Pallikal and with those stones he built a Saiva Temple named “Kunarathaveechcharam” in Thiruvathkai Thalam.
Now, Navukkarasar contined his pilgrimage to several temples and reached Thiruththookonai Maadam temple in Thiruppanakadam. there he sang the Pathikam “Ponnar Thiruvadikkonrundu Vinnappam” and prayed at that instant by the God symbols of Soolam and Idapam were encarved on his body on gearing about, the piety and reatness of Ganasambandhar visited Gnanasambandhar on seeing Navukkarasar, Gnanasambandhar felt rasher very happy, and embraced him calling him “Apparae”.
Then both of them went to Seerkali and Thirukkolakka and prayed to Lord Shiva, after which Navukkarasar alone went to “Thiruchaththimuttam” and there he sang the Pathikam “Kovai Muduki” and prayed to Lord Shiva to bless him by placing his holy feet on his head. His request was full filled, when be reached Thirunallurthalam.
Appoothiyadikal who was also a Shiva devotee had a great respect to Navukkarasar and so when Navukkarasar went to Thinkaloor, he visited Appoothiyadikal and there he was requested to have lunch, Navukkarasa accepted and when Appoothyadikal’s son went to collect plant leaf he was bitten by snake and died. But Appoothiyadical and his wife, did this sad news from Appar. Swamikaly thinking that he might refuse to have the lunch, but by God’s great Appar Swamikal under stood the situation sang the Thiruppathikam “Onrukdam” and gave life to Appoothyadikal son.
From Thinkaoor Appar Swamikal went to Thiruppukaloor and stayed at Thirumuruganayar Thirumadam, where he again met Gnanasambandhar. Then both of them went Thiruveelimilai where they note the people suffering from famine and so, in order help prayed to God and got Padikkasu (Cash) and with that money he put an end to the famine that prevailed there.
Then both of them went to Vaetharraniyam Thiruththalam Gnasambandhar praying to God to open the door of that particular temple, which was heither kept locked by the Vaedhas, he sang the Pathikam “Panninaero Moliyal and the door opened at once. Both of them prayed to the Moolamoorthey “Thirumaraikkodar and at the request of Appar swamikal, Gnanasambandhar again sang a Thiruppathikam by which it came possible for the doors to be opened and shut daily when needed.
After this he continued his pilgrimage and reached Thirukkalathty at the south Kailai from there Appar Adikal intended to visit North Kailai, which was next to the Himalayas. So he walked up the distance to Northern Kailai. In the way he could visit, the famous Thalam Kasi. As the distance was too long, he his legs gave pain and he couldn’t walk, so he covered the rest of the distance, crawling and rolling over God, felt pity on him and blessed him showing the entire Kailai scene of his at Thiruvaiyaru itself, So, Appar Adikal took a holy bath at a holy river by and enjoyed the holy scene at Thiruvaiyaru itself.
Again, Apparadikal met Gnasambandhar then he started his visit to Thiruppukaloor holy duty on the way he could worship many holy temples. At Thiruppukaloor, he did cleaning the entire compound surrounding it Lord Shiva wished to show the purity and honesty of Appar Swamikal and so spread gold and costly by diamond among the grass of the compound by Appar Adikal didn’t care for the costly stones; he threw them along with the normal stones. He continued this holy services and one day he felt that it is high time, for him for each the feet of God Shiva and he started singing “Ennu Kane En Soli Ennu Keren” and concluded as “Unnadikkal Pothukinren Pooompukaloor (Poompukalur) Punniyanee” and at that instance he reached the holy feet of the Great God Himself. This particular day falls on the month of April in Sathaya Natchathiram.
Aalala Suntharanar was a devotee of God Shiva at Thirukkailayam, the daily made flower garlends one day to Lord Shiva, as his service. One day, when he went to the flower garden to pluck flowers, he met the two maids of Godness Paravathy, at the garden and felt in love with their. Their names were Aninthithai and Kamalini So, God made him to be born in the world again full fill his desires and return back to heaven. Accordingly Suntharar was made to be born in Thirumunappadi Naddu at Thiruvaamur. His parents were Sasaiyanar and Isaignanaiyar. They were Bharamins by birth and they named his son as Nambiyaaroorar.
Narasinghe Munaiyar the King of that parents got this particular child Nambiyaroorar from his father Sadayanaar and brought up him, with all talents including veethakama Sasthira knowledge too.
When Nambiyaroorar reached the age of marriage the King and the parents proposed marriage to him, with the daughter of Puththur Sadankavisivachchariyar. But on that day of marriage, when the new couple were at the Manappanthal Lord Shiva appeared in front of them as an old elderly Bharamini and stopped the marriage by showing the Aavana Oolai proof and this made Nambiyaroorar to change himself as this devotee.
Then Lord Shiva took Suntharar to Thiruvenai Nallur. There he gave a new name to Sundarar as “Vanthondar”, and God Shiva added that, because Sundarer called Lord Shiva as “Piththan” on the instance when God showed him the Aavana Oolai. Lord Shiva wanted Sundarar to sing a Thevaram beginning with the word “Piththa” and so Suntharar alias Vanthondar sung the Thiruppathikam starting “Piththa Pirai Soodi”.
Then Sundarar continued his pilgrimage and reached the thalam holy “Thiruvathikai”. That particular place was which Appar Swamikal alias Navukkarasar was blessed by God Shiva once. So Sundarar standing out of the temple and worshipped Lord Shiva. Then he stayed in atthe templeside and slept. In his dream, God Shiva blessed him with Thiruvadi, Theedchchai and at that occasion Sundarar, sung the Thevaram pathikam “Thammanai Ariyatha Saathiyar Ular”.
Then, Nambiyaroorar alias Sundarar reached Thillaippathy, God Shiva in Asareeri asked him to come to Aaroor.
So, Sundarar went to Thiruvaaroor, worshipped God and stayed there. There Kamalini in the name of Paravayaar belonging to Uruththira Kanikayar Kulam was serving at the same temple as a devotee. One day both Sundarar and paravaiyar met at the temple. Then former birth relationship made them to love each other and they got married. At this instant Lord Shiva appeared in front Sundarar and blessed him with the following words “you will always be in this young bridal appearance and I shall be your (friend) “Tholan” and from that day. Sundarar was called also by the name “Thembiran Thoolar”.
For some days, Sundarar stayed Paravaiyar’s place and daily be went to Thiruvaaroor temple and worshiped Thiyagaraja Peruman. One day he met the devotees at the Thiruvasiriyar Mandapam there, respecting them he sang the Thiruththondar Thokai, “Thillaivaal Anthanartham”. Then he sang the pathikam “Neela Ninainthadiyaar” and took the heap at paddy to Thiruvaaroor, which was blessed to Kundayoorkkilar at the request of Sundarar.
At this instance Koadpuli Nayanar who lived at the place called Thirunaddiyaththan invited Sundarar to his place and requested Sundarar to accept his two daughters namely Singhadi and Vanappahai as his daughters. Sundarar accepted his request, and thereby he was also called in the future as Singhadi Appan and Vanppahai Appan.
Once Paravayaar wanted money to celebrate Pankuni (March) Uththaravila. So she approached Suntharar to help her in this affair. So Suntharar went to Thiruppukaloor and prayed to his almighty to help him and sang the pathikam “Thammaiye Pukanthu” at which almighty converted all red brick block fond there into gold blocks and fulfilled the need of Suntharar. Following Suntharar started his pilgrimage to Thirumuthukunroor Thalam, where he was guided by his almightydisappeared and praying him, Suntharar sang the Thiruppathikam “Vadivudai Maluvaenthi”.
After worshiping Thirumuthu Kumaraperuman, he got 12 thousand gold and he put the same into the ManimuththuRiver which was at Thirumuthukunroor. Then he went to Thiruvaroor, which Paravaiyar and searched for the same at a pond there. Noticing this, Paravaiyar smiled away, asking him “How can you search for the gold in this pond which you dropped in the river? But Suntharar sang the pathikam “Pon Seitha Maenianeer” and got back the gold from the pond.
Then, Suntharar continued his pilgrimage and reached Seerkali, but he didn’t want to step in considering it to be a holy place, because it was the birth place of Gnanasambandhar. So Suntharar, stood on the boundary and made his worship. Then he proceeded to Thirukkavoor, on the way he felt hungry, Lord Shiva gave rice and water and disappeared. Wondering at the grace of God. Suntharar sang the pathikam “Ithanai Yaamaattai Arinthilaen” and proceeded this journey to Thirukkachchoor Thiruththalam and stayed with hunger. So Lord Shiva begged and collected rice from the neighborhood and his hunger Suntharar wondered at the grace of his almighty, and sang the pathikam “Muthuvaayoori”.
Following he reached Thiruvottiyoor worshipping very many temples on the way. They lived a person named “Naayirukilaar” at the place Naayiru. He had a daughter named Sankiliyar who was regular in doing Sivappani to Thiru vottiyoor Peruman. This Sangiliyar a in former birth lived as “Anithithaiyar”.
According to the wish of Lord Shiva, Suntharar married Sankiliyaar and promised to her, not to part her at any occasion.
After a short time, Suntharar forgot his promise to Sangiliyar and went alone to Thiruvaroor. As soon as he passed the boundary of Thiruvottiyoor both his eyes became blind. This is because he didn’t keep to his promise. Then with the help another dovotees he went to Thiruvenpakkam Thalam and sang the thevara pathikam “Kavil Ulliriro” at which God blessing him with the words “Ulaum Paokeer” gave Suntharar a walking stick.
This was followed by Suntharar reaching the thalam Thiruchchiyekampam and there, by the grace of God his left eye regained sight at this coccasion he sang “Aalanththan Uganthuseithanai” Then he had a holy bath at Thiruththurithty and got back sound health.
On reaching Thiruvaroor he sang the pathikam “Meelaadimai” and regained thesight of his right eye aslo. Then through God Shiva he calmed down the anger of Paravaiyar.
One Ealyarkoon Kalikamanayanar got displeased at Suntharar for using him as a messenger to Paravaiyar asking her to calm down so Lord Shiva wished to make Ealyarkoon Kalikamanayanar to understand Ealyarkoon Kalikamanayanar and avoid this misunderstanding so God made Kalikkamar to suffer from “Soolai” diseases Suntharar went to Kalikkamar to cure his disease but to evade this Kalikkamar his stomach diedobserving this Suntharar too wanted to due and when he took the sword to cut his stomach, Lord Shiva blessed Kalikkamar to come to life again and after both Suntharar and Kalikkamar became friends.
Then one Saeraman Perumaal Naayanaar the Kind of Saera Nadu visited Suntharar and both became friends. The Suntharar went with Saereman to a hill country. One the way Saeraman wanted to visit Thiruvaiyaaru and he told about his idea to Suntharar. But at that time, river Kaavaery was overflowing and no boat could sail over the pathikam “Paravum Parisu Onrariyaen” and at that moment, the river gave way by dividing itself. So Suntharar visited Thiruvaiyaaru and went to North of Tamil Nadu.
On the way Suntharar went to Thirupukkuliyoor where once, a Bhramin boy was swallowed by a crocodile. Now Suntharar made a miracle here by taking out the same Bhramin boy from the stomach of the same crocodile.
Then, he went to Saeraman, prayed to Thiruvanchchai Kaleththu Peruman and stayed there, for some days while he was staying there at the demanding of God Kailanathar the Devaas brought a while elephant and thinking of Saeramaan Peruman Navukkarasar got on to the white elephant and went to wards Thirukkayilai observing this Saeramaan too followed Suntharar on a horse. There they both became the head of Sivakanankal. After certain period Paravayaar and Sankiliyaar went back to Umai Ammai and served as her maids again.
The Guru Poosai of Suntharar of a fall son the month of July Sauthy Nadchchram
In Paandi Nadu at Thiruvathavoor, a son was born to one Sambupathaasiriyar and Sivagnanawathyar, They belonged to the Bharamin race. Parents named their son as Thiruvathavoorar. He became well versed in all activities, arts and knowledge noting the capacity and specialty of Thiruvathavoorar, Kind Arimarththana Pandiyan employed him as his Chief Minister and named him as “Thennavanpiramarayan”.
Vathavoorar performed his duties at the Ministry perfectly, but in his inner mind he had the thirst to reach God the divine power and enjoy Paerinbum.
One day the Kind Arimarththana Pandiyan gave money to his Minister Thiruvathavoorar and asked him to purchase asked some horses. So, Vathavoorar went to do the same, and on the way the Thiruthalam named Thirupperunthurai Lord Shiva wanted to bless Vathavoorar and he sat under the shade of a Krunthamaram as a Priest Guru along with his devotes.
When Thiruvathavoorar saw him he feel his feet prayed as requested him to bless him with Gnanaupathesau. Accordingly God as the guru gave him “Theedchai” at which Vathavoorachikal felt rather very happy and sang the Thiruvasagam” which can be compared to be his garland to God his Almighty made of the beads of gave and Bakthi Lord Shivathen the Paramachchoriyar alias the guru named him as “Maanikkavasagar. In return Manikkavasagar put all his jewells and treasures at the feet of the Paramaachahariyar and prayed to him. So the Paramaachahariyar spent the same in King Pandian came to know all what had happened send a written message to Manikkavasakar to come to him immediately “Manikkavasakar showed the message to the Paramachchariyar. Paramachchariyar, Paramachchariyar gave a costly Maanikkam to Manikkavasar and ordered him to go and tell pandiyan that the horses will be back the on the month of March at Moola Natchaththiram. Manikkavasakar did so and continued his normal duties as before.
Days passed, Pandian King waited for the horses but none came, so he rather felt very angry and put Manikkavasakar in the jail. Manikkavasakar prayed to Lord Shiva who always blesses his sincere devotees, wanted to help Manikkavasakar too, so the collected al foxes in the jungle into horse and took them to Mathurai. This happened on the August Month, Moola Natchaththiram. On hearing this news, Pandian felt rather very happy, freeing Manikkavasakarfrom the jail took him with him, accepted all the horses and put all of them at the horse panthy.
That very night all those horses become foxes and bit the original horses at the Panthy then killed some of them shouted, ran all over the town and did all possible havoc. Pandian again lost his temper and mistaking Manikkavasakar, all this havoc was his plan and put him in the jail again.
Lord Shiva who is always kind and generous to his devotees, wanted to put an end to the sufferings of Manikkavasakar and at the same time the wanted to show the world, Chemmana Chelvy genuine Shivapakthy, made theriver Vaikai to over flow in a terrible manner. All feared that this might destroy Madurai itself, Pandiyar prayed to God even then this flow didn’t stop the Pandian realized his fault in punishing, Manikkavasakar and so freed him from the jail and requested him to stop the flow of Vaikai and to see that the river bank to come to the original position without any break. Manikkavasakar prayed to Lord Shiva and the how of Vaikai River stopped immediately and the common people began to repair their own part of the river bank.
But no one was there to help Vaithiammai who was an old and poor lady. He earned for her living by selling “Pittu” for meals thinking that Pandiyar will punish her for not re-constructing her share of the river bank. The prayed to God. So Lord Shiva came to help her as a Cooli Labourer, Lord Shiva, as a Cooli did only a small part of the job, danced and played in the river water the “Pittu” which he got as the charge from Vanthy Ammai for his labour and without completing his work, he slept under the shade of a big tree at the river bank.
Pandian while supervising the bank construction, found the portion given to Vanthiammai was in complete and not properly build Pandian labourers found out Vanthiammai’s Cooli sleeping gave him a stroke with a care. At once all living beings felt the conestroke with great pain, because that particular labourer was none other than Sivaperuman immediately the particular labourer disappeared.
At this Pandiyan and Manikkavasakar understood, all this were the Lord Shivaperuman’s and prayed to his Pandiyan requested Manikkavasakar to accept ruling Mathurai. But Manikkavasakar refused freed himself from all responsibilities and getting permission from the King went to Thirupperuthurai again, and stayed there serving the Paramachchariar and listening to his advice.
One day the paramachchariar all the devotees to stay at Thirupperunthurai disappear. After someday a Jothy appeared in the pond these and all devotees except Manikkavasakar entered the Jothy light and reached Heaven.
Then according to the wish of Lord Shiva. Manikkavasakar visited Thiruuthara Kosamangai. Thiruvidaimaruthoor, Thirukkalukkundam singing Thiruvaasakam all the way and reached Chithamparam.
When he was staying at Chithamparam, a Shiva devotee belonging to Sri Lanka where ever he went often he was saying “Ponnampalam Needooli Vaalka”. On hearing this the Buddhist King invited him and got a thorough idea of the specialty of Ponnampalam at Chithamparam. Infact he wanted to destroy Chithampara Thalam and build a Buddhist temple at that spot. So he went to Chithamparam with a Buddhist Priest and his daughter who was dumb on reaching Chithamparam.
At Chithamparam he called Thillaivaal Anthanar for a debate o nreligion. According to the wish of God Thillai Vaal Anthanar requested Manikkavasakar to have a religious debate with the Buddhist and he agreed to it. Then he debated with the Buddhist and him and made them dumb. Then he brought them to normal debated with them and won them and also he made the King’s daughter who was dumb to answer the questions of Buddhist party. The essence of the questions and answers of this debate Manikkavasakar has sung in his “Thiruchchalal” As the result of what all happened the Buddhists realized and understood the genuiness and depth of Saivaism, converted themselves to Saivaism.
Lord Shiva wished to bring to public Manikkavasakar’s Thiruvaasagam. So he went to Manikkavasakaras a Bharamin, made him to sing both Thiruvasagam and Thirukkovayar, wrote of on an E signed it, and kept that copy at the entrance step of Kanagasabai. The next day the Bhramin who came to conductthe Pooja, saw it and wondered at it. Then he went to Manikkavasakar, along with the other devotees and asked him give the meaning and explanation of the contents of the same. So Manikkavasakar took all of them to Ponnambalam at Konagasabai, and painting out to the holy statue of Nadesapperuman said “He is the meaning of all what I have sung and all what is in that, saying this Manikkavasakar entered Kanagasabai and disappeared. Thus he again reached the holy feet of Lord Shiva.
Manikkavasakar’s guru pooja day falls on the month of March, Natchchathram “Maham”.
Chithirai, Sathayam Appar Siranthavai Kaasi Moolam
Athitharaippani Sampanthar Aani Mahathil Antham
Muththamil Vaathavoorar Muthiyanal Aadithannil
Suththamaam Saothy Naalil Suntharar Kailai Saernthar
The age of Samayachchariyar
Apparukkenpath rarul vatha voora rukku
Cheppiya Naalenddil theiveekam Ippuviyl
Sunthararkku Moovaru Thangnana Sampanthark
Kantham Pathinare Ari
A Shiva devotee named Atchchuthakalappalar lived in Thiruppenakadual Thalam at Thirumunaippadi Nadu. He was a Saiva Vaelarlar by birth. He had great respect to wards Shiva devotees also he was rather very rich, well-educated man good conduct but only thing that made him unhappy was that he had no children.
One day he went to his Guru Sakalagapandithar who was at Thiruththuraiyar and told him about that he is not blessed with any children.
His Guru advised him to pray God and the Thevare Thirumurai.
Accordingly he carried out all what his Guru asked him to do, he got the following Thiruppathika song in the Thiruvenkadduththiruppathikam.
Palyadaya Piriveithum Pillaiyanodulla Ninai
Vaayinaval Varamperuvarai Uravaendaa Venrum
Valyane Thoolumai Pankan Venkaddumukkula Neer
Thoi Vinaiyaravar Thammai Thaayavaam Theevinaiye
At this, Sakalaagama Pandithar gave a full explanation of the same, to Atchchukelappalar and advised him to go to the thalam Thiruvenkaadu, have a holy bath at the Thirukkulam and to pray to God there.
Accepting the advice of his Guru, Atchchukappalar went to Thiruven Kaadu with his wife and stayed there praying to Thiruvenkaddupperuman. One day God his almightyappeared in his dream and to him though is a minus to you this birth, I shall satisfy my sincere devotees, who have faith in me sing and pray me with the Thevara Thiruppathikam, you are one among them so, I shall bless with a son, Gnanasambandhar and he will be true to Saivam and Saivasiththantham and prove the genuiness of it.
At this Atchchutha Kalappalar and his wife were rather very happy and continued to pray to Thiruven Kaadapperuman.
Incourse of time, they were blessed with a baby son. The parents named the baby as “Thiruvenkador” after praying to his almightily the father and mother left Thiruvenkaadu and reached Thiruppenakadam with the bay son – Thiruvenkaadar.
An uncle of Thiruvengaadar lived at Thiruvenai Nallur. One day he come to Thiruppenakam to see Thiruvenkaadar the son of Atchchuthakalappalar. Joy knew no bound when he saw. Thiruvenkaadar for the first time and he decided to bring up Thiruvenkaadar, and so with their permission took him with him and brought up him in a spleen did and religious way.
When Thiruvenkaadar reached 3 years, he was able to understand “Meignanam” At that occasion Paramjothy Munivar came from Thirukkailai to meet Akaththiar who was at Pothiya Malai. There Paramjothy Munivar met Thiruvenkaadar and observing his them of Saiva Siththatham and named him as Meikandaar.
Then Meikandathevar went to Pollappilaiyar at Thiruvennai Nallur and observed silence and got a clear idea of the meaning of Saiva Sithamtham and in Tamil, the complete Saiva Siththantha edition named as he began to lecture oh this topic Saivasiththantha Pootham to this student.
One day while Maikandathevar was lecturing on the topic “The Nation of Aanavahalam” Sakalakama Pandithar, the Guru of Atchchuthakalappdar went to him, but Navkandothevar did not talk anthing and kept silent. So Sakalakama Pandithar too displeased got irritated at this and asked Meikandathevar to explain the actual appearance of Aanavamalam for which Meikandathevar pointed out at Sakalakama Pandithar as the answer to his questionat this Sakalakama Pandithar realised his position prayed to Meikandathevar and no quested him to explain what Meikandathevar is and became his student (seedar).
Meikandathevarnamed him as Arunanthyshivariyar and explained him the contents and meaning of Shivagnanapatham.
Then, Arunanthy Sivachariyar, to his 49 students including Manavasamkadanthar and Sittampalanadikal, after he attained Divinity on the month of October in Sauthy Natchathram.
This name was given to Saladakama Pandithar by Sakalagama pandithar was in Cholanadu at Thiruthuraiyoor. He belonged to Aathisaivamarabu and by his birth and knowledge Saivasiththam cherished a lot. He attained both Nirvaana Thedchai and Achchariya Apidegam, He had also a wide knowledge of Vaetha Sivakamam, Sakalakama Pandithar was his special name.
On hearing the greatness of Meikandathevar, he went to Thiruvennai Nallur to meet him. When he went to him, he was seen explaining him the nature of Aanavamalam. But Meikandathevar did not give a proper welcome to him. So he felt a bit hurt, but asked him to clear him about “what Aanavam is!” There was little anger in his tone, observing this Meikandathevar pointed out Sakalakama Pandithar “It will like what I am pointing out” Sakalakama Pandithar realized his situation bowed to Meikandathevar nad requested him to accept him as his Seedar and to preach him “Gnanoopathesam”
Meikandathevar realizing his preached him what Shivagnanapotham is and named him as “Arunanthy Sivam” and requested him publish a about the contents of Shivagnanapotham in detail so that it may he use ful for the future generation.
Accepting this request of Meikandathevar, Arunanthi Sivachchariar the following two Sivangnanachithiyar and Irupairupathuthu as guides to Sivagnanapotham.
Finally, Arunanthi Sivachchariyar, preached to his students Sivagnanapatham and some of his own guides to Sivaganapatham. Reached the feet of Lord Shiva in the month of September at Poora Nadchathiram.
Maraignanasambandhar, who was born in Thiruppenakodam, was a student of Arunathi Sivachchariyar, he was a Bharamin by birth, and had a wide knowledge about, Veeda Sivaagamangal. Also went through the main of Saivasiththantham, as Sivagnanapatham, Sivagnana Siththiyar and Irupa Iupathathi infact he store in life as a saint owing to this reason he was known in the name Maraignanasambandhar, the preached about Gnanam to many students including Umapathy Sivachchariyar he didn’t write any books but some say that Sathamanikkovai which is considered to be a Siththantha was his the attained divinity in the month of August at Parani Nadchththiram.
Umapathysivachchariyaar was one of the Thillaivaal Anthanar, because he lived in Kottavan Kudi near Chithambaram, he was called as Kottankudi Muthaliyar. He hada wide knowledge of Unetha Siva Kamam and also the Arunanthy Sivachchariyaar and Meikandathevar’s.
Also he was well versed in Tamil language. He was also a one of the devotees of Lord Shiva and did the needful to Siva devotees to one day, after conducting the poor to Sithambaram Naragapperuman hereturned home on a with lights and other one the way Maraignanasambandhar saw this sight and a to his remark about this sight to his students “Padala Kaddaiyl Pahal Kurudu Povathai Paarungal” which no lights were needed and made of dry wood, he mentioned it as Paddakaddai – for Maraignanasambandharit seemed to be a luxury. As soon these words felt into the ears of Umapathy Sivachchariyaar, he understood the inner meaning of those words and at once he got down from the went near Maraignanasambandhar and bowed to him and received Gnana Upathesam from him Maraignanasambandhar was rather pleased with loyalty of Umapathy Sivachchariyaar, and he wanted to show the of Umapathy to the entire world So, one day when both of them met and Maraignanasambandhar took Umapathy Sivachchariyar to a spinning industry, and there Maraignanasambandhar got some which they had for the spinning purpose and drank it, while he was drinking it, some of it fell from his hands up to his elbow, seeing this Umapathy Sivachchariyaar the same from Maraignanasambandhar elbow and rank it without any hesitation. Thillaivaal Anthanar who watched this action of Umapathy Sivachchariyaar under respected him, found fault with him and stopped him from his Pooya duty to God Nadesepperuman, So Umapathy Sivachchariyaar went back to Kottavankudi and stayed these.
During this time at Chithamparam Temple festival, on the 1st day, the flag could not have hoisted it was the desire of Lord Shiva. Thillavall Anthanar found out the reason of this was due to the absence of Umapathy Sivachariyaar at that pot. So, they went and brought Umapathy Sivachchariyaar and he prayed to Nadasa Peruman and sang Kidokkavi at once the flag was hoisted. Thillaival Anthanar understood the greatness of Umapathy Sivaachchariyaar and respected him more and more and wondered at his piety.
“Kayapuranam” sung by Umapathy Sivachchariyaar was not launched in time and was kept in a box. Waishing to launch the same God appeared in Thillavaal Anthanar’s dream and thane mentioned the situation of “Kodikkavi being in the box, not being launched. The wondered at this and told him about their dream so, Umapathy Sivachchariar wondered at Lord Shivas holy blessing, opened the box and showed the same to Thillaivaal Anthanar, at this they understood what God wanted them to do, and they launched that Kooyit Puranam there.
One, Shiva devotee named Pettan Sambanar, was helping by offering fire wood to Umapathy Sivachchariar’s Siva Pooja and Maheswara Pooja. One day the cooking got late because the one brings he didn’t offer the fire wood in time so, Umapathy Sivachchariar asked one of his students to inform him when firewood comes the next day.
The next day before Pettansamban could bring fire wood to Umapathy Sivachchariar, God went to Pettanar Sambanar and gave a chit to him asking him to hand over that chit to Umapathy Sivachchariar. The chit was handed over to Umapathy Sivachchariar, he noted the following song in that chit.
Adiyarkke Eliyan Sittampalavan Kottam
Kuddyaatheluthia Kaich Sittup Padiyainmisaip
Pettan Saamganukkup Pethamawath Theekaiseithu
Muththy Kodukka Murai
On reading this song in the chit Umapathy Sivachchariar wondered at it, and made him fit for Nayanatheechchai and Mukththy. Wife and relatives of Pettan Samban could not understand the situation and so they made a compliant about this to the King, when the King asked for explanation to what happened, Umapathy Sivachchariar, explained the grandeur of that Theedchchai and in order to prove his saying he gave Nayanatheedchchai to a Mullai plant which was nearby and amade it to attain Mukkthy. All who stood there understood his greatness prayed to him.
By the grace and blessings of His almighty Umapathy Sivachchariar after doing all these miracles the following were published.
Siththantha Addalamsas, Sivappirakaasam, Thiruvarudppayan, Vinaavenba, Kodikkavi, Pauttipphrodai, Nenchu Vidu thoothu, Unmainerivillakkam, Sankatpanirakaranam and the following Puranams, as, Kaayitpuranam, Saekkilar Puranam, Thiruththondar Purnanam, Thiruppathikakkovai and Paudkaragam, Viyaakiyanam, Later, Umapathievachchariyar’s student, Namachchivaaya Thevar is one who constructed Thirunavaduthurai, Aatheenam and performed duties all its, as the first Gnam. The Gurupooja of Umapathy, Sivachchariyaar falls on the month of April in Aththa Nadchchaththiram.
Chiththirai Aththam Umapathy Aavanithinkal Thanil
Uththiram Seerkal Maraignana Sambandhar Oathu Kaanich
Suththa Meeppooram Arunanthy Ippasi Sauthythanila
Viththak Meikandathevar Sivakathy Maevinaarae.
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