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To reach the declare feet of Lord Shiva there are four ways to the Saivists, as Sariyai, Kiriyai, Yogam, Gnanam These four are also named as Nannerikal Saiva Naatpadikal and Siva Punniyangal.
Among the 4 devices mentioned above Chariyai is known as Thasa Markkam Kiriyai as Satputhra Markkam, Yogam as Sagamarkkam and Gnanam as Sanmarkkam. A the four divided in to four two forms
(i) Upaaya Chariyai, Upaaya Kiriyai, Upaaya Yogam, Upaaya Gnanam etc.
(ii) Unmai Chariyai, Kiriyai, Yogam and Unmai Gnanam
Upayachari includes the etc. Activities of mand kind done in the name Sivapunniyam is search of worldly riches and affairs comes under Upaayachariyai and the Siva Punniangal done out of piety is named as Unnamaichariayai, Chariyai, Kiriyai, Yogam and Gnanam respectively yields the best, step by step as Bud, Flowers unroped and fruit.
“Virumbum Chariyai Muthal Meignanam Muthal Nankum
Arumbu, Malar, Kaai, Kani, Poolanroo Paraparamae Thaayumanavar”
Praying to Lord Shiva in Roopams performing duties in temples and serving Siva devotees sincerely comes under Chariyai. This Chariyai worship is of many folds, such as Chariyai in Cariyai in Kiriyai, Chariyai in Yoga and Chariyai in Gnanam.
Performing the holy duties to Lord Ship in temples and also to by Guru and Sngamam comes under Chariyai in Chariyai. Then cleaning the female are (compound) maintain flower gardens in temple compound also comes udner Sariyaia Sariyai. Doing servies to Guru and Sangamam carrying out their orders and requests also comes under Holy Services, there are There are three types in Guru system (1) Theedchai Guru (2) Paethaga Guru (one who preaches) and the third as Vidya Guru. Sangamam denotes the group of Sivan Adiyar.
Worshiping, out side in idols is called Sariyai, Kiriyai.
Praying Ruthra Moorthy mind voice is called Sariyai Yogam in this process when one is enriched by a strong divine feeling that stage is called Sariyai, Gnanam.
What we gain from Sariyai worship is Perinpam (ie) Sivalogamukkthi in which the soul lives an enjoyable and holy life, in Sivalogam, where Lord Shiva himself is present. This is known as Sivalogamukkthi. This is also known as Aparamukkthy and Rathamukkthy.
Worshipping Lord Shiva in his Aruuruvaththirumeni ie Sathasivam Sivalingam in mind and out is named as Kiriyai worship.
This is of 4 types as Kiriyaikal, Sariyam, Kiriyai in Kiriyai, Kiriyai in Yogam and Kiriyai Gnanam.
Collecting and offering flowers, Sandal, Nivethanam, Theepam, and Thirumansanam, for the Pooja is called as Kiriyai in Sariyai.
Worshiping, Load Shiva in the form of Sivalingam is Kiriyai in Kiriyai. The five kinds of Suththy are as follows. Poothasuththy, Thaanasuththy, Thiraviyasuthty. Manthirasuthty and Ilingasuthty.
Coming to Yogam in Kiriyai, where Pooja Homam and Thiyanam are set up; Pooja is done in mind vice. This is named as Anthariyagamum.
The experience and feeling derived and felt in the above mentioned Anthariya stress is mentioned as Gnanam in Kiriyai.
The benefit, one, enjoys from Kiriyai worship is Shivasaameepmukkthi. This type of Mukkithi the nearness to Lord Shiva indicates that the type of relationship between a son and father ie. indicating the closeness and nearest to God. Saamepam means (near close to). This Mukkthy is known as Aparamukkthy and also Pathamukkthy.
Worshipping Lord Shiva in heart is known as Yoga workship. In this stage One’s thoughts and mind must be controlled and directed only towards Lord Shiva. Load Shiva has to be the subject and object of Thiyanam and thus this practice these soul to Samaathy stage.
Yoga is of 4 types, as Sariyai in Yoga, Kiriyai in Yoga, Yoga in Yoga and Ganam in Yoga. Sariyai in Yoga contains in itself. Iyamum Niyamum Asaanam, and Piranyaamum.
Iyamum means non-killing, Truth self-confidence innocence patience and sincerity.
There are real Tharmaas as fasting Praying Listening to Gnanasastras, Piety and Chepani. These comes under Niyamum. Asanam is of 8 variety including Pathmasanam. The practice of controlling Piranavayu is named as Pranayamum.
Pirathyakaram and Tharanai are Kiriyai in Yogam. Controlling the mind, aching according to the 5 senses is known as Prathiyakaram. Controlling the mind in one particular position this known as Tharanai. Yogam is Yogam is known as Thiyahnam. Gnanam in Yogam is to keep the mind inseparable the great Paramporul (ie) it is almighty.
The benefit of Yoga is attaining Sivasaroopamukkthy which means enjoying life in the presence of God. This is also called as Aparamukkthy and Paramukkthy. Saroopam means similar appearances
Having a clear knowledge of Pathy Pasu and Pasam by listening to Gnana literature, thinking over it and then attaining a proper stage as Niddai. This is known and described as Gnanam worship.
Gnanam worship is again four stages as Sariyai in Gnanam stages Kiriyai in Gnanam, Yoga in Gnanam, Gnanam in Gnanam.
Listening to religious lectures is Sariyai in Gnanam. Thinking and analyzing of what was heard is Kiriyai in Gnanam. Making it clear (what was listening to is Yoga in Gnanam and Niddai stage is Gnanaththil Ganam. This stage gives the mind Joyful rest.
Attaining Sayuchimukkthi is the best results and benefit of Gnana worship mixing with the great God inseparably is called as Saayuchchiamukthi.
This Mukkthi is a stage experiencing Perinbam. This is also called in the following names as Paramukthi, Aththruvithamukthi, Saayuchiamukthi.
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